Friday, August 10, 2012

Once again... 
Maggie Malloy curates 
another great sculpture show,

in a brand new gallery space,
operated by Steve Allen:
SMAart Gallery,
located at 1045 Sutter St.
in San Francisco!

The show, Deja View,
includes myself
and nine other ceramic sculpture artists, 
showing a collection
of current & older works.
It will be opening on
Thursday, Sept.6th
from 6-8pm, 
concurrent with
the Polk St. Artwalk, 
and will close on 
Saturday, Sept.29th
6-8pm also.

I intend to show some of the work shown below:

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Friday, March 02, 2012

Totem of the Lost Spirit

Totem of the Lost Spirit

Totem for a lost spirit,
in the nation
of once was wandering
bison herds charging,
elk horns leaping,
tribes led by
needs of eachother,

turned bloody battlefields,
and so many slaves brought a'sailing,

bloodshed over ownership
over man, land, and water;
turned gold diggers,
miners of fortune,
pioneering possession
from the east to the west

unto ill-defined and unprepared for ends
that so far have not
and may never
justify any means...

Once nurturing the spirit in all things
became havers of dominion over all things.
Once everything started being about
costs and payoffs,
So much of us has become
just a game of numbers,
and endless race to gain,
regardless of its diminishing of our common values
and the needs of our species
to survive within
the greater contextual web of spirit and life.

This is my totem
steeped in the remorses of a lost nation of voices,
crying out for a common good to come from
pains of being so very bad.

Friday, February 03, 2012

What Makes A Man

On so many levels,
there are untold numbers of systems
that confine and cajole the spirit of mankind
into distanced, fearful, hateful little boxes
that neither lift us up out of the darkness
nor remind us of the cosmic kindred spark
that lies within us all..
When viewed through the looking glass
we find the unobscured truth
of bias, belittling, bashing, and bloodletting
that often accompanies
the ignorant and inhumane face of oppression.

Toward those who seek
to be seen, heard, and counted
among the throws of humanity... often
we have placed a hierarchical condemnation.
Toward those most in need
of our empathy & compassion,
and even our respect,
society has only the most
rudimentary and unholy of disdain.
From the laws we make
to the bones we break...
there is little respect for the
equivalence of all mankind.

When MLK walked among the men of color,
who happened to be collecting the garbage of Memphis...
what struck me most interesting
was the sign around all of their necks.
Neither a condemnation of the government,
nor their bosses, which allowed such shameful
working conditions to be the status quo,
nor was the message one demanding loudly any number of demands which could be had...

The message was simply this:

In this new series, i try to explore
this issue of what makes a man;
using what i believe are
the modern-day downtrodden men whom
society today has trapped into
the belief that somehow,
they are less than men.
When finished there will be 5-10 figures that represent
different views of a man,
cursed though he may be,
wearing the same sign,
to remind us once again whom it is we are looking at.