Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Personal Shrine is complete.
Her name, i believe, is "the huntress"
To speak of her,
one must use words such as:
fire, rock, earth, & water
musicality, presence, crowned & feathered


back part

and from above...

She is lounging on a bed of rocks and crowns her head with the trees
She inclines ever so softly to hear the gentle stringing
of the muse's violin and the river glistens down her left side
while the dancing fire warms her right,

burning, the carbon of her earthly form mingled
with all the pain and misery she has been fumbling through for years..
her face is painted, the warrior marks of engaging with life
and all it's dismal proclamations

still hunting as always

Trying ever to snare
that fragment of humanity to cling to,
that animal spirit to guide and run akin to,
the peace and calm of a wooded perch,
the absolute ecstasy of the babbling brook,
the perfection of stones washed clean...
a few precious feathers, with which to take flight

She is.
She is me.
i am.
just this.

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